Essential Multivitamin Top20
Vitamins are organic compounds that are necessary to sustain life. Most are found naturally in food. Animals’ bodies need vitamins for growth and maintenance
You are probably familiar with most of the vitamins human and animal bodies need:
- Vitamin A
- B vitamins (biotin, folate, niacin, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, thiamine, vitamin B-6, and vitamin B-12)
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin K
Vitamin A for Dogs&Cats
This fat-soluble vitamin is also responsible for growth, fetal development, immune function, and cell function. There are eye care supplements for dogs that include Vitamin A
B Vitamins for Dogs&Cats
The B vitamins are a group of important vitamins that play a role in your dog’s health
Thiamine helps regulate energy and carbohydrate metabolism, and activates ion channels in neural tissue.
Riboflavin, B12, and niacin help facilitate enzyme function.
Vitamin B6 is especially vital. This vitamin is responsible for glucose generation, red blood cell and nervous system function, hormone regulation, immune response, niacin synthesis, and gene activation.
Pantothenic acid helps with energy metabolism.
Folic acid plays a role in amino acid and nucleotide metabolism and in mitochondrial protein synthesis.
Vitamin C for Dogs& Cats
Vitamin C is an important antioxidant. It scavenges potentially harmful free radicals in the body and can help reduce inflammation and cognitive aging. Dogs can actually synthesize vitamin C on their own in their livers, but in some cases supplementation may offer health benefits.
Vitamin D for Dogs& Cats
Vitamin D, or the “sunshine vitamin,” allows your dog’s body to balance minerals like phosphorous and calcium for healthy bone growth. Without it, your dog would not be able to develop properly or maintain healthy muscles and bones.
Vitamin E for Dogs& Cats
Vitamin E is one of your dog’s defenses against oxidative damage. This fat-soluble vitamin is also essential for cell function and fat metabolism. Deficiencies can lead to eye and muscle degeneration and reproductive problems
Vitamin K for Dogs& Cats
Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin instrumental in activating your dog’s blood’s ability to clot
Are There Risks Associated With Dog Vitamins?
Vitamins are absolutely vital to life. It should not surprise us that something so essential could also be potentially dangerous in large quantities.
You can avoid these risks by working out a nutritional plan with your veterinarian
How to Choose a Dog Vitamin
The best way to choose a dog vitamin is to talk to your veterinarian about what, if any, dog vitamin supplements your dog needs
If your dog needs vitamins, either to complement his homemade diet or because of a medical condition or deficiency, then you need to make sure that your dog gets the appropriate vitamin supplement.
Talk to your veterinarian about the appropriate vitamin dosage for your dog. Human vitamins often have different concentrations of vitamins than vitamins specifically made for dogs, and may even contain additives that are harmful to dogs. This means you should stick with a veterinary vitamin supplement or one specifically made for dogs, and you should always check the label to make sure the vitamin contains the appropriate amount of the vitamins your dog needs.
This product contains 20 vitamins required in dogs and cats, which are used in the required dose to treat vitamin deficiency, defecation, growth stimulation, post-disease recovery and surgery. The all products in one formulation is veterinarian formulated and provides quality nutritional support to help keep an active lifestyle.