Reasons Why Your Cat is Losing Hair
Hair loss is a common problem in cats. Like humans, cats shed a small amount of hair throughout the year, but in the spring, due to the loss of the thick winter coat, the hair loss increases.
But if the cat’s hair loss suddenly increases in a partial or large way and in a scattered or symmetrical way, it may be due to fungal and parasitic reasons such as ringworm, ticks or fleas, and allergies.
Also, metabolic conditions such as hyperthyroidism, urinary tract problems and constant licking of the area, unhealthy diet and illness can all be the cause of your cat’s hair loss. The skin around the shedding area may look normal or have redness, bumps, scabs, and loss of skin. Some types of hair loss in cats can also spread to humans. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the main cause of shedding by a veterinarian and perform the necessary tests and further investigations.
If your cat’s test results are normal and there is no other reason for it, the hair loss is psychologically based on emotional conditions such as stress, anxiety, and frustration.
To minimize it, follow these few methods:
Place your cat’s mat in high places or in front of the window. This cat encourages you to tap into your natural instinct to rest in high places and observe the environment from above.
To create privacy and keep your cat’s living environment calm, put some cardboard boxes in the house.
Het helpt om droogvoer op verschillende plaatsen neer te zetten om haar aan te moedigen om te jagen en om haar leuke eetspeeltjes te geven.
Play with toys such as feather wands to stimulate her natural hunting instinct and help her burn off excess energy.
It helps to put dry food in different places to encourage her to hunt and to give her fun eating toys. Use calming sprays (a chemical that cats emit from their facial glands when they feel relaxed and communicate with other cats). This substance helps to create relaxation and reduce stress and anxiety.
Anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins can also be useful under the supervision of a veterinarian. Regular control of ticks and fleas is necessary as a possible cause of hair loss. Dermofit is designed to help support healthy hair, skin and nails by providing a wide range of essential nutrients including vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, as well as vital anti-oxidants.
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